Scaling image to fit a fixed area on canvas
How to scale image to fit available area without its stretching?
The demo demonstrates how to use crop property of Konva.Image
to emulate object-fit: cover
of CSS.
The crop property allows you to use only specified area of source image to draw into the canvas. If you do the correct calculations, then the resulting image can be drawn without any stretching.
Instructions: Try to resize the image or change the crop strategy using the dropdown menu at the top. The image will maintain its aspect ratio while fitting into the specified dimensions.
- Vanilla
- React
- Vue
import Konva from 'konva'; // Create select element for crop position const select = document.createElement('select'); = 'absolute'; = '4px'; = '4px'; const positions = [ 'left-top', 'center-top', 'right-top', '--', 'left-middle', 'center-middle', 'right-middle', '--', 'left-bottom', 'center-bottom', 'right-bottom' ]; positions.forEach(pos => { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = pos; option.text = pos; if (pos === 'center-middle') option.selected = true; select.appendChild(option); }); document.body.appendChild(select); const stage = new Konva.Stage({ container: 'container', width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, }); const layer = new Konva.Layer(); stage.add(layer); // function to calculate crop values from source image, its visible size and a crop strategy function getCrop(image, size, clipPosition = 'center-middle') { const width = size.width; const height = size.height; const aspectRatio = width / height; let newWidth; let newHeight; const imageRatio = image.width / image.height; if (aspectRatio >= imageRatio) { newWidth = image.width; newHeight = image.width / aspectRatio; } else { newWidth = image.height * aspectRatio; newHeight = image.height; } let x = 0; let y = 0; if (clipPosition === 'left-top') { x = 0; y = 0; } else if (clipPosition === 'left-middle') { x = 0; y = (image.height - newHeight) / 2; } else if (clipPosition === 'left-bottom') { x = 0; y = image.height - newHeight; } else if (clipPosition === 'center-top') { x = (image.width - newWidth) / 2; y = 0; } else if (clipPosition === 'center-middle') { x = (image.width - newWidth) / 2; y = (image.height - newHeight) / 2; } else if (clipPosition === 'center-bottom') { x = (image.width - newWidth) / 2; y = image.height - newHeight; } else if (clipPosition === 'right-top') { x = image.width - newWidth; y = 0; } else if (clipPosition === 'right-middle') { x = image.width - newWidth; y = (image.height - newHeight) / 2; } else if (clipPosition === 'right-bottom') { x = image.width - newWidth; y = image.height - newHeight; } return { cropX: x, cropY: y, cropWidth: newWidth, cropHeight: newHeight, }; } // function to apply crop function applyCrop(img, pos) { img.setAttr('lastCropUsed', pos); const crop = getCrop( img.image(), { width: img.width(), height: img.height() }, pos ); img.setAttrs(crop); } Konva.Image.fromURL('', (img) => { img.setAttrs({ width: 300, height: 100, x: 80, y: 100, name: 'image', draggable: true, }); layer.add(img); // apply default center-middle crop applyCrop(img, 'center-middle'); const tr = new Konva.Transformer({ nodes: [img], keepRatio: false, flipEnabled: false, boundBoxFunc: (oldBox, newBox) => { if (Math.abs(newBox.width) < 10 || Math.abs(newBox.height) < 10) { return oldBox; } return newBox; }, }); layer.add(tr); img.on('transform', () => { // reset scale on transform img.setAttrs({ scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, width: img.width() * img.scaleX(), height: img.height() * img.scaleY(), }); applyCrop(img, img.getAttr('lastCropUsed')); }); }); select.addEventListener('change', (e) => { const img = layer.findOne('.image'); applyCrop(img,; });
import React from 'react'; import { Stage, Layer, Image, Transformer } from 'react-konva'; import { useImage } from 'react-konva-utils'; const positions = [ 'left-top', 'center-top', 'right-top', '--', 'left-middle', 'center-middle', 'right-middle', '--', 'left-bottom', 'center-bottom', 'right-bottom' ]; function getCrop(image, size, clipPosition = 'center-middle') { const width = size.width; const height = size.height; const aspectRatio = width / height; let newWidth; let newHeight; const imageRatio = image.width / image.height; if (aspectRatio >= imageRatio) { newWidth = image.width; newHeight = image.width / aspectRatio; } else { newWidth = image.height * aspectRatio; newHeight = image.height; } let x = 0; let y = 0; if (clipPosition === 'left-top') { x = 0; y = 0; } else if (clipPosition === 'left-middle') { x = 0; y = (image.height - newHeight) / 2; } else if (clipPosition === 'left-bottom') { x = 0; y = image.height - newHeight; } else if (clipPosition === 'center-top') { x = (image.width - newWidth) / 2; y = 0; } else if (clipPosition === 'center-middle') { x = (image.width - newWidth) / 2; y = (image.height - newHeight) / 2; } else if (clipPosition === 'center-bottom') { x = (image.width - newWidth) / 2; y = image.height - newHeight; } else if (clipPosition === 'right-top') { x = image.width - newWidth; y = 0; } else if (clipPosition === 'right-middle') { x = image.width - newWidth; y = (image.height - newHeight) / 2; } else if (clipPosition === 'right-bottom') { x = image.width - newWidth; y = image.height - newHeight; } return { cropX: x, cropY: y, cropWidth: newWidth, cropHeight: newHeight, }; } const App = () => { const [position, setPosition] = React.useState('center-middle'); const [size, setSize] = React.useState({ width: 300, height: 100 }); const imageRef = React.useRef(null); const trRef = React.useRef(null); const [image] = useImage(''); const handleTransform = () => { const node = imageRef.current; const scaleX = node.scaleX(); const scaleY = node.scaleY(); node.scaleX(1); node.scaleY(1); setSize({ width: Math.max(5, node.width() * scaleX), height: Math.max(5, node.height() * scaleY), }); }; const crop = React.useMemo(() => { if (!image) return null; return getCrop(image, size, position); }, [image, size, position]); React.useEffect(() => { if (image && imageRef.current && trRef.current) { trRef.current.nodes([imageRef.current]); } }, [image]); return ( <> <Stage width={window.innerWidth} height={window.innerHeight}> <Layer> {image && ( <Image ref={imageRef} image={image} x={80} y={100} width={size.width} height={size.height} {...crop} draggable onTransform={handleTransform} /> )} <Transformer ref={trRef} boundBoxFunc={(oldBox, newBox) => { if (Math.abs(newBox.width) < 10 || Math.abs(newBox.height) < 10) { return oldBox; } return newBox; }} /> </Layer> </Stage> <select style={{ position: 'absolute', top: '4px', left: '4px' }} value={position} onChange={(e) => setPosition(} > { => ( <option key={pos} value={pos}> {pos} </option> ))} </select> </> ); }; export default App;
<template> <div> <v-stage :config="stageConfig"> <v-layer> <v-image v-if="image" ref="imageRef" :config="{ image: image, x: 80, y: 100, width: size.width, height: size.height, draggable: true, ...crop, }" @transform="handleTransform" /> <v-transformer ref="transformerRef" :config="{ boundBoxFunc: boundBoxFunc }" /> </v-layer> </v-stage> <select style="position: absolute; top: 4px; left: 4px" v-model="position" > <option v-for="pos in positions" :key="pos" :value="pos" > {{ pos }} </option> </select> </div> </template> <script setup> import { ref, computed, onMounted, watch } from 'vue'; import { useImage } from 'vue-konva'; const positions = [ 'left-top', 'center-top', 'right-top', '--', 'left-middle', 'center-middle', 'right-middle', '--', 'left-bottom', 'center-bottom', 'right-bottom' ]; const position = ref('center-middle'); const size = ref({ width: 300, height: 100 }); const imageRef = ref(null); const transformerRef = ref(null); const stageConfig = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }; function getCrop(image, size, clipPosition = 'center-middle') { const width = size.width; const height = size.height; const aspectRatio = width / height; let newWidth; let newHeight; const imageRatio = image.width / image.height; if (aspectRatio >= imageRatio) { newWidth = image.width; newHeight = image.width / aspectRatio; } else { newWidth = image.height * aspectRatio; newHeight = image.height; } let x = 0; let y = 0; if (clipPosition === 'left-top') { x = 0; y = 0; } else if (clipPosition === 'left-middle') { x = 0; y = (image.height - newHeight) / 2; } else if (clipPosition === 'left-bottom') { x = 0; y = image.height - newHeight; } else if (clipPosition === 'center-top') { x = (image.width - newWidth) / 2; y = 0; } else if (clipPosition === 'center-middle') { x = (image.width - newWidth) / 2; y = (image.height - newHeight) / 2; } else if (clipPosition === 'center-bottom') { x = (image.width - newWidth) / 2; y = image.height - newHeight; } else if (clipPosition === 'right-top') { x = image.width - newWidth; y = 0; } else if (clipPosition === 'right-middle') { x = image.width - newWidth; y = (image.height - newHeight) / 2; } else if (clipPosition === 'right-bottom') { x = image.width - newWidth; y = image.height - newHeight; } return { cropX: x, cropY: y, cropWidth: newWidth, cropHeight: newHeight, }; } const { image } = useImage(''); const crop = computed(() => { if (!image.value) return {}; return getCrop(image.value, size.value, position.value); }); const boundBoxFunc = (oldBox, newBox) => { if (Math.abs(newBox.width) < 10 || Math.abs(newBox.height) < 10) { return oldBox; } return newBox; }; const handleTransform = () => { const node = imageRef.value.getNode(); const scaleX = node.scaleX(); const scaleY = node.scaleY(); node.scaleX(1); node.scaleY(1); size.value = { width: Math.max(5, node.width() * scaleX), height: Math.max(5, node.height() * scaleY), }; }; watch(image, () => { if (image.value && imageRef.value && transformerRef.value) { const transformer = transformerRef.value.getNode(); const imageNode = imageRef.value.getNode(); transformer.nodes([imageNode]); } }); </script>