How to use svelte-konva with SvelteKit?

Generally, svelte-konva is a client-side only library. When using SvelteKit, special care needs to be taken if svelte-konva/Konva functionality is used on prerendered and server side rendered (SSR) components. Prerendering and SSR happens in a Node.js environment which causes Konva to require the canvas library as Konva can also be used in Node.js environments. When you use svelte-konva in such conditions you’ll likely run into the following error:

Error: Cannot find module ‘canvas’

There are multiple solutions to this problem:

Installing canvas:

Simplest solution is to install canvas:

npm i canvas

This will satisfy the canvas dependency of Konva and you can use svelte-konva components in prerendered and SSR SvelteKit pages. The solution is a bit messy though, as you now have installed a package you don’t really need which adds unnecessary overhead. Alternatively use one of the following solutions:

Dynamically import your svelte-konva stage:

A better approach is to dynamically import your svelte-konva canvas on the client-side only. Suppose you have a Svelte component containing your stage with various svelte-konva components:


import { Stage, Layer, Rect } from 'svelte-konva';
import OtherComponentUsingSvelteKonva from './OtherComponentUsingSvelteKonva.svelte';

const rectangleConfig = {

<Stage config={{ width: 1000, height: 1000 }}>
<Rect bind:config={rectangleConfig} />

<OtherComponentUsingSvelteKonva />

To use this component inside a SvelteKit prerendered/SSR page you can dynamically import it inside onMount() and render it using <svelte:component>:


import { onMount } from 'svelte';
// typescript:
// import type MyCanvasComponent from '$lib/MyCanvas.svelte';

let MyCanvas;
// typescript:
// let MyCanvas: typeof MyCanvasComponent;

onMount(async () => {
// Dynamically import your canvas component encapsulating all svelte-konva functionality inside onMount()
MyCanvas = (await import('$lib/MyCanvas.svelte')).default;

<p>This is my fancy server side rendered (or prerendered) page.</p>

<!-- Use your dynamically imported svelte-konva canvas component with a svelte:component block, you can pass any component props as usual -->
<svelte:component this={MyCanvas} someProp="SomeString" />

Dynamically import svelte-konva using vite:

The vite-plugin-iso-import allows you to make client-side only imports without needing the manual approach in onMount() described above. Please follow the installation instructions in the README then you can dynamically import your component like so:


import MyCanvasComponent from '$lib/MyCanvas.svelte?client'; // Client-side only import

// Set component variable to null if page is rendered in SSR, otherwise use client-side only import
let MyCanvas = import.meta.env.SSR ? null : MyCanvasComponent;

<p>This is my fancy server side rendered (or prerendered) page.</p>

<!-- Use your dynamically imported svelte-konva canvas component with a svelte:component block, you can pass any component props as usual -->
<svelte:component this={MyCanvas} someProp="SomeString" />

Currently vite-plugin-iso-import cannot automatically fix intellisense inside .svelte files with TypeScript. Consult the README for a workaround to this problem. Or have a look at the demo below.

Instructions: Each page available in this SvelteKit App is rendered differently containing a svelte-konva canvas. Both dynamic import approaches are shown. Dynamic loading using onMount() on the prerendered page and dynamic loading with vite-plugin-iso-import on the SSR page. Try to inspect the network requests made on each navigation to understand the different approaches of rendering in SvelteKit.

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